Friday, June 8, 2012

Photography 101, Part V: Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Cameras

If you want to take excellent images on par with a DSLR but want a lighter, more compact camera, you should consider buying a mirrorless camera (or sometimes called a compact system camera). These cameras have the same sized sensor as a DSLR (allowing for high image quality) and you can take pictures in manual mode or simply “point and shoot.” The removal of the mirror and optical viewfinder reduces the bulk of the camera body. Although it will be a bit of a stretch to fit this camera into a pocket, it is lightweight and can be easily stashed in a small camera bag or purse – no need to carry this camera around your neck!

next-gen interchangeable lens camera.  LoneWalkerNYC on Flickr.  All Rights Reserved

DPReview compiled a comparison of leading cameras in this field

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